
发布时间:2024-05-22 07:00:51 编辑: 来源:
导读 哈喽,大家好~~~我是小编田甜,关于公司简介英文翻译技巧,公司简介英文翻译这个很多人还不知道,那么现在让田甜带着大家一起来看看吧!1、Th...


1、The Saint group Limited company is likely one specialized is engaged in the high-tech product development, the production and the research enterprise. Was established in 1995. The company mainly produces and manages the high tech, the green environmental protection, to have the broad market prospect and the development opportunities, and is becoming the ground paving material new trends in the world, to conform to the Chinese common people actual purchasing power strengthened wood floor product is the principal work, simultaneously also produces and manages the solid wooden compound floor, the high density plate, high density strengthening construction finishing materials and so on wood floor parent metal, wallpaper, new radiator system, new furniture plate. At present the company toward specialized, the network, the multiplex direction is making great strides forward.。



