
发布时间:2023-07-07 00:20:30 编辑: 来源:
导读 beside 在…近旁;在…旁边 和…相比 Beside yours our contributions count for little. 与你们的贡献比较起来,我们的算不...

beside 在…近旁;在…旁边 和…相比 Beside yours our contributions count for little. 与你们的贡献比较起来,我们的算不了什么。 The refrigerators of this factory can be ranked beside the best of their kind in the world. 这家工厂的冰箱比得上国际上最好的同类产品。 besides besides 来自古英语 be-在+side 边、旁 [bI5saIdz] prep 除…以外 Besides milk and cheese, we need vegetables. 除了牛奶和干酪外,我们还需要蔬菜。 附:除了把单数名词变成复数名词以及表示单数第三人称之外,“s ”还出现在某些单字上,使它和没有“s”的字呈现出两个不同语义;“beside”和“besides”便是个好例子。   “Beside”是“在……旁边”的意思;“besides”是“除此之外”的意思。两者都是介词,但后者也是个副词。有些人把这两个字等同起来,互相对换,这是大错特错的;因此,④和⑤不对,要改为 ⑥和⑦。   ④ Susan is sitting besides me.   ⑤ Beside dancing, the children also sang.   ⑥ Susan is sitting beside me.   ⑦ Besides dancing, the children also sang.   一般上说,“beside”在句子后半部出现,如:   ⑧ Some people prefer living beside the sea.   ⑨ The small boy is standing beside his mother.   “Besides”的位置不一;可以在句前,也可在句尾,如:   ⑩ Besides being a diligent student, Peter is also a good athlete.   11. I have written some other books on language learning besides this one.   上述两个例子中的“besides”是介词;它也可以当副词,如:   12. I like reading; besides, I also like writing.   13. He sings pop songs. Besides, he also listens to classical music.   注意:当副词的“besides”要用句号(.)或分号(;)隔开。


