free my soul什么意思(soul什么意思)

发布时间:2024-02-07 19:40:59 编辑: 来源:
导读 大家好,小乐来为大家解答以下的问题,free my soul什么意思,soul什么意思很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!soul是一个英语单词...

大家好,小乐来为大家解答以下的问题,free my soul什么意思,soul什么意思很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!


1.soul英 [səʊl] 美 [soʊl]n.灵魂;心性;内心;心灵;(人类整体的)精神状况,道德品质复数: souls

2.习语good for the soul(humorous) 其实有好处good for you, even if it seems unpleasant‘Want a ride?’ ‘No thanks. Walking is good for the soul.’“搭车吗?”“不,谢谢。步行有步行的好处。”bare your soul (to sb)(向某人)打开心扉,倾诉衷肠to tell sb your deepest and most private feelingsbody and soul竭尽全力。全心全意with all your energyShe committed herself body and soul to fighting for the cause.她全心全意为这一事业而奋斗。God rest his/her soulGod rest him/her(old-fashioned, informal) 魂归天国。安息主怀used to show respect when you are talking about sb who is deadheart and soul满腔热忱干劲十足。全心全意with a lot of energy and enthusiasmThey threw themselves heart and soul into the project.他们全心全意地投入了这个项目。

3.双语例句She went to pray for the soul of her late husband 她去为亡夫的灵魂祈祷。He's a jolly soul 他是个乐天派。I've never harmed a soul in my life 我这一生从未伤害过任何人。'I will put my heart and soul into the job,' he promises. “我会全身心投入到工作中去,”他保证说。Her mother, poor soul, came to an even worse end. 她的母亲,那个可怜的人,结局更糟糕。There was not a soul there. 那里一个人也没有。They believe the soul is immortal, grounding this belief on the Divine nature of the human spirit. 基于对人类精神神圣性的信仰,他们认为灵魂是永恒的。



